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Tagagamit:BSrap/Mr. Bean

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Mime Games[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

The episode opens with Bean visiting at the park where he sees the people standing around a silver man acting every time the person drops one coin. When Bean has no coins, he insists the man to act but he refuses. The black woman stops by and drops one coin, the silver man responds by flying kiss to the woman. Bean has an idea to have a coin by making his own mime -- dancing his Teddy, the woman stops by and drops one coin. Bean returns to the silver man, presenting the one coin and drops it but the man did not respond anyway. As Bean walks away in disappointment, the silver man performs at his back.

While Bean is walking, he is being encountered by the mime from France and the mime will not stop acting until Bean pays him, making him annoyed. Bean try to outrun the mime by throwing imaginary object and let the mime catch but the mime sees Bean running away. As Bean goes to his car, the mime sneaks inside the car, unknown to Bean. Thinking that he outran the mime, he drives back to apartment with the mime inside.

Bean arrives at the apartment where he unknowingly followed by the mime. Bean thinks that Scrapper viciously snarls towards him but the mime is, then the mime scares Scrapper, making him accidentally jumps on the statue fountain and it breaks. Mrs. Wicket sees this and she screams in frustration. Bean and the mime enter to his room. The mime then knocks the door, fooling Bean that there is a person outside until he discovers the mime breaks inside his room. The mime continues to act until he wants to eat. Instead Bean serves himself a sandwich while the mime has nothing. Bean serves an imaginary food and water to mime and then Bean goes to watch TV. The mime then cook something to eat where he being dragged by an imaginary rope by Bean and bring him back to park. Bean then throws an imaginary ball to pond and the mime dives in, destroying his make up and then he steals the silver man and brought him to the apartment as a replacement for broken statue fountain. Mrs. Wicket is happy when she sees the silver man standing at the fountain while Bean is watching him contentedly.

The Sofa[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

On his sofa, after Bean ate his dinner with Teddy at his sofa, Bean decides to watch the TV but realizes he misplaced the remote control. He found it deep inside the sofa and forcibly retrieves, resulting a lot of springs coming out in his sofa. Plan to buy a new sofa, he goes to the department store. There, the woman who wants to buy the sofa manage to get in the lift first before Bean, forcing him to use the escalator. When the customers refuse to let him pass, Bean rigs the escalator's control by speeding up its operation in order to get the 6th floor where the sofa sells in time. Arriving at the 6th floor, Bean flips the "6" sign to deceive the woman into confusing that she arrives at the 9th floor. However, he becomes disappointed when he realized that the cost of sofa is £300, which he got only £20.

To raise his fund to buy the sofa, he decides to have a yard sale, selling his other stuff including the grandfather clock and even the fish bone. When he displays Teddy on the stuff, a spoiled little girl, who also has a yard sale, from the opposite neighborhood grabs Teddy, mistaken it for sale. In order to have Teddy, he tricks Bean into giving her by feigning her crying. Bean reluctantly hands his Teddy to the girl after receiving a £1. Quickly mourns for Teddy's loss, Bean retrieves Teddy by paying her a £10. Shortly, the garbage collector arrives and have his stuff except a destroyed sofa removed from his yard (though the reason was unclear, it was implied that Bean has no permit to sell his stuff). Nevertheless, a passerby gives him £300 after he sells his stamp.

Arriving at the store, Bean sees the couple who desires to buy a sofa he wanted. He then poses as a manager to deceive them by telling not to buy the sofa because it "smells bad". The couple instead buys a cushion. Bean eventually buys a sofa and brought to his apartment, but not before he attempt to order the deliverymen to take his destroyed sofa but only ridicules him before departing. Mrs. Wicket is then ordered Bean to move the sofa from the front yard. Reluctantly, Bean first disposed it to the junk yard but the machine puts it back to his Mini, and lastly he abandons it to the antique shop. Back to his apartment, as he about to watch the TV, he realizes that the remote is still inside the old sofa. He races to the antique shop, only to find it is too late as the driver of the Reliant already bought the sofa. Bean chases the Reliant to retrieve the remote, but, unknown to Bean, the owner has already retrieved the remote control and sells it for £20.

In the Pink[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

Mr. Bean goes to town to buy candies. As Bean goes inside the candy shop, the burglar duo arrives and goes inside the pet shop. The beefy-sized bandit releases the pink-colored animals and heads to the pet shop. One of the pink animal escapes from the shop and the beefy-size bandit tries to find it. While the duo of bandits goes to find a pink animal, Bean buys the candies and goes inside his car, unknown to him that the pink animal has already sneaked inside. While driving to the town, Bean sees the animal; curiously, he thinks that the pink animal is a dog.

At the pet shop, a bandit demands the pet shop owner for the money in a threatening manner in exchange for pink animal, otherwise the pint-sized bandit will kill the parrot by struggling. After the bandits received the money, they drive away. Few seconds later, Bean arrives at the pet shop. Bean goes to the pet shop to sell the pink animal, but the owner refuses and in horror, the owner closes the shop.

Bean goes to the library along with the pink animal. Because of the soft growl of the pink animal, the librarian almost caught him and hides the pink animal with the stock of book. After that, Bean borrowed the book and walks to the park while reading. Bean wants the pink animal to fetch the stick but the pink animal refuses. He throws the pink animal to the pond to fetch the stick, but the pink animal doesn't appear back. Bean thinks that he sank the pink animal to the water. Bean finds out that the pink animal is really a baby panda. The panda running from Bean and heads to the habitat which the two bandits are collecting baby badgers. The two bandits quickly drives away as Bean and panda approaching in their vicinity. Bean saw the truck driving away and he realizes that the two are planning to sell the badgers by painting them pink to earn money. Bean plans to sabotage them to stop further schemes.

The truck arrives and stops at the same place. Bean arrives, rescues the badgers and releases the emergency brake of their truck, while doing their plan inside; the truck runs to the steep road and crashes into the police van. The two, who are now dyed completely in pink, are subsequently arrested and the badger family reunites, sighing Bean for happiness.

Wanted[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

At night, a prisoner escapes from his cell and sneaks inside Bean's apartment to elude capture. A prisoner takes off prison clothes and wears Bean's sleeping pyjamas, and quickly removes the light bulb so that Bean so that Bean will not see him, and then proceeds to hide under the bed. Because the light bulb is gone and the room is completely dark, Bean unwittingly wears the prison clothes before going to bed. The next day, Bean sees the two officers putting the wanted poster at the tree and approaches them. While Bean commenting about the poster, the robe inadvertently opens, revealing the clothes; Bean is mistakenly arrested because of the resemblance to the escaped prisoner. The prisoner appears shortly after and takes the poster of himself.

At the prison, Bean makes his makeshift "Teddy" made from harden flour and vandalizes the wall by drawing the TV that depicts his favorite show. He finds a sharp comb and uses to try to break the window to escape but nothing works. The security guard approaches at his cell and he told Bean to clean his cell, while surreptitiously grabs the key and presses it to "Teddy." With the pattern of the key, he uses the comb to make a key made from the broken tile and he successfully opens the door. While walking in the hallway, the burglar duo sees him and insist Bean to open the door in exchange of fried chicken, in which Bean becomes distracted. However, the small burglar (having lied about the chicken deal) steals the key and they escape, locking Bean in the hallway. Seeing the television broadcasting his favorite TV show, he brings it to his cell.

Meanwhile at the apartment, when the prisoner sees Mrs. Wicket approaching, he must assume as Bean. The prisoner is told by Mrs. Wicket–who failed to realize the prisoner's identity–to do the rockery. After the job is finished, Mrs. Wicket has another job for him: cutting the grass. Initially, when the lawnmower won't work, he uses the scissor instead but gets fed-up and regretfully rushes back to prison. There, he explains to Bean about the situation and after they settle their differences, the convict brings Bean out of prison. However, when Bean yells in celebration, this attracts the guards, who chases him.

The Visitor[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

The overweight man named Harry arrives at Bean's apartment, but Bean doesn't remember who he is. Bean feeling unwelcome when sees Harry's two large bag leaving at his door. Once Harry got inside his room, Harry gluttonously eats almost all of Bean's foods inside the refrigerator while Bean overlooks him. Harry then shows the kindergarten class picture, now realize that Harry is, indeed, his classmate. Harry remembers the babbling word, "Be bi be bi ping pong, pttttt!" which they used to teach other. After that, Harry proceeds to sit his sofa and Bean allows Harry to eat some of his fruits. At night, Harry still continuously eats more foods of Bean while watching his TV and Bean disgruntles when he is being ran out of food. Bean sits along Harry in his sofa; Bean changes channel to his favorite sitcom show but Harry changes the channel back to an action film. While Harry focuses on TV, Bean try to stealthily takes the last food, the fried chicken, but Harry quickly eats the entire chicken thus Bean bite the bone. At exactly 12 o'clock in the midnight, Bean sees Harry sleepwalks to the kitchen and sniffing for something to eat. Both Harry and Bean inadvertently swapped their beds.

The next day, Bean wakes up and finds himself sleeping on the floor and quickly rescues his Teddy before Harry squeezing it below. Harry wakes up and head towards the bathroom but Bean excuses Harry to get in first. After Bean brushed his teeth, he stirs Harry's toothbrush in the toilet bowl. Bean and Harry goes out the apartment and they buy two ice creams in the ice cream mobile. While Bean is paying for the ice cream, Harry ate two ice creams at the same time; Bean walks away in disappointment. While he is walking away, Harry buys an ice cream with and he takes out his own coins (having previously lied to Bean that he doesn't have). Later, Bean and Harry are shopping in the grocery store but Bean is shocked to see that Harry takes towering foods and fruits in his trolley. Few hours before midnight, having Harry ate more than a dozen of foods, Bean calls a taxi in order to get Harry out of his apartment. Bean packed all the things into Harry's bag. When the clock chimes to 12 o'clock, Bean lures Harry by dragging the turkey with a rope into the taxi car. Eventually, Harry got into the taxi but inadvertently abducts Teddy on his hands. Bean has to pursue him in order to retrieve Teddy.

As Harry gets off the taxi, he becomes mad and Bean apologizes for his actions but Bean sees the restaurant in front on them; Bean takes out the £60 bill and Harry eagerly wants him to take into the restaurant. Although the restaurant is about to close, Bean waves the bill, thus the restaurant owner allows them both to come in. Once got in there, Harry orders everything listed in the menu, the restaurant owner is astonished. Some time later, after Harry finishes eating, Bean excuses Harry to go to the restroom then the restaurant owner shows Harry a bill and he told him that Bean will handle for expenses. However, Bean sneaks out of the restroom. At 2:08 in the morning, the waiter finds Bean is gone and therefore, the owner forcing Harry to wash all the plates. Harry utterly cries while washing the bunch of plates along with the overweight chef and the owner watching him sharply. Shortly, Bean retrieves Teddy from Harry's jacket and he appears on the window behind him, giving him a rasp.

Spring Clean[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

Mr. Bean has to clean his filthy room. Firstly, when the broomstick breaks, Bean use his Teddy as a replacement. After that, Bean then forcibly puts the towering laundries into the washing machine; washing more than a dozen of dirty plates; shining a door knob, even the eggs and then the cabinet; using a vacuum cleaner to clean the floor but in the process Teddy accidentally sucked by vacuum cleaner. Bean retrieves it unharmed.

After Bean cleaned completely his room, he needs to be wash himself. As he is about to be wash himself, he finds the shampoo empty and finds solution by peeling the soap as a shampoo. After he wash his body he accidentally slips and slides towards the bag of vacuum cleaner, exploding the vacuum bag and rendering Bean and his entire room dirty again. Unable to wash himself again because the faucet now runs cold water, he sneaks to woman's bathroom next door and he sees the water flowing in to the sink, making his idea to wash himself again. First, he cuts the drainage pipe from the woman's bathroom and connects the pipe with a hose towards his bathtub. However, when a woman uses a green hair color, it flows directly to Bean's bathtub. As Bean finds his body dyed in green, he screams in horror. With the water runs out in his room, he sneaks again inside the woman's bathroom and he washes his colored green body. However, the woman returns to bathtub to change the woman's green hair color to pink color while Bean is hiding the shower room. Bean sneaks out to the roof while the woman is showering but he falls into wheelbarrow with the soil - his entire body is covered in brown.

To get wash his body, Bean sneaks in to Mrs. Wicket's bathroom. Bean puts the shampoo into the boiler tank but as the result, the tank explodes, flooding Mrs. Wicket's room with the bubbles. While swimming in the bubbling water, Mrs. Wicket attacks Bean with the umbrella.

Dead Cat[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

Mr. Bean packed all of his things, ready to go the beach. As Bean going downstairs, unfortunately, he is getting told by Mrs. Wicket to install the wallpapers at the hallway, realizing in the calendar that the day is his assignment of decorating the wallpapers. Bean reluctantly do his work.

While Bean is doing installing the wallpapers, he is distracted and annoyed when Scrapper tears the wallpaper and soaking his feet in the paint. Mrs. Wicket had to go somewhere else and she told Bean to hurry up and temporarily enjoys the sunshine while the door is open. Bean tries to get Scrapper out but Mrs. Wicket hears Scrapper purring and opens the door then Bean pretends that he love Scrapper. Bean then takes Scrapper out and put him into the trash can.

After Bean finished decorating wallpapers, he is packed for going the beach. As he about to drive, Bean sees the garbage collector disposing the garbage with Scrapper into the garbage truck in horror, presuming that Scrapper is shred to death. Blaming himself for the loss of Scrapper, Bean must find a new replacement similar to Scrapper before Mrs. Wicket finds out. First, he goes to cat store at the town where he asks the owner if there is cat similar to him but no to avail and he is told to go to the cat warehouse called S.O.S.

Arriving there, Bean is appalled with the obnoxious smell coming from the cats. Bean finds the cat apparently similar to him inside the cell but the cat opens the right eye and then the other cats inside menacingly snarls towards him and Bean quickly gets out the cell. Eventually, Bean finds the one-eyed cat perfectly similar to Scrapper (albeit in plain yellow fur) but unfortunately the one-eyed cat is owned by the woman. In order to steal the woman's one-eyed cat, he activates the fire alarm, opening the cells and incites the mayhem of the cats, who destroys anything by scratching the wall. Bean steals the cat and drives back to apartment.

Bean arrives at the apartment where he sees Mrs. Wicket is finding Scrapper and Bean sneaks inside his room. To make Scrapper look identically, Bean trims the furs and paint it with the black. Bean then shows the fake cat to Mrs. Wicket. Mr. Bean observes the cat for a while. After Mrs. Wicket fed the cat, her skin begins to itch and as finds the fleas in the cat. Mrs. Wicket then washes the cat, inadvertently discovers the deception, so Mrs. Wicket kicks Bean out of the apartment. Shortly, Scrapper returns home alive and he viciously snarls on him. Despite this, Bean is determined to go to beach however, Mrs. Wicket intercepts him and forces Bean to return the fake cat he stole. In S.O.S., as Bean leaves the cat outside stealthily, the owner caught him, who is forced by the owner to install the wallpaper as a payment for the damage. Bean does so but the cat lunges on him.

Treasure[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

Bean is about to take bath but the faucet won't run. Bean has to fix something at the water tank at his dark attic. After he fixed it, the rat touches the music box, the horse toy and the doll, freaking Bean. Bean notices the rat done it, sighing him in relief. Bean then sees the chest containing artifacts including the jigsaw puzzle, objects use by the pirates, picture of his young self dressed up as pirate, the small box containing something which Bean cannot open, the top, and lastly the treasure map. Bean solves all the jigsaw puzzle but the one piece of the puzzle is missing. Bean can't find its piece. Bean sees the treasure map showing the treasure above the fireplace. The first treasure is located at Mrs. Wicket's room. Bean sneaks inside Mrs. Wicket's room while she is sleeping. To stay silent, Bean slowly walk towards but the creak almost wakes her up. When Bean sees Scrapper sleeping, he stealthily drag him out of her room. As he approached to her fireplace, Scrapper meows and Bean aim his flashlight to Mrs. Wicket upon waking up so that she will not notice him. Bean gets to the fireplace and climbs up inside the chimney while Mrs. Wicket is finding her cat. Bean only finds a can and directly falls into his own fireplace. The can contains the second treasure map showing another treasure found in his either two trees. Bean goes to the tree at his lawn where he sees the arrow pointed to the hole. Inside the hole only he finds the owl's chick that he is being bit still. As the owl looks sharply to Bean, he returns the chick. After that, Bean sees another arrow pointing to another hole in the second tree. Bean found the third treasure map. Bean is shocked when the third treasure is in Australia.

Bean boards the plane heading Australia where the supposed treasure is there. After taking off, Bean suddenly sees that the "land of Australia" is within the town. In his struggle, Bean steals the woman's (sitting next to him) lipstick, putting it into his face, then he enters the cockpit and he told the pilots to go back the airport pretending that he has an epileptic condition. The plane flies back to the airport and then sneaks out of the ambulance. Bean heads to the park called "Australia", counting every steps according to the treasure map. Finally, he ends with the small house where the treasure are there. After Bean digging up inside the small house, he finds the small key for the small box. Bean rushes back to his apartment and he unlock the box. As he open it, he finds the puzzle piece and finally he resolved the jigsaw puzzle.

Homeless[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

At night, after Bean goes to bed two hours later, Mrs. Wicket sleepwalks to Bean's room and goes to Bean's bed while raising her arms. Bean tries to wake her up but nothing happens. He decides to bring her back to her room. When Scrapper scratches her head, Mrs. Wicket wakes up and Bean hides under her blanket. She screams in anger after she finds him and throws Bean out of the apartment.

Bean sleeps at the park overnight, where he find the newspaper advertising the room rentals. First, Bean rents the apartment but he gets out immediately after the old lady menacingly served the crocodile for him. For the second time, he tries to rent it but forbids Teddy bears inside. In a third time, when the landlord shows him a bed in a pig and chicken pen, Bean tries another fourth room, which is immediately fooled by the burglar duo, who escapes in a truck. Left no choice, Bean decides to make a makeshift bed to sleep in a forest.

When the downpour interrupts his sleep, Bean stays inside his car and sees his former room in rental, he disguises himself to get in. When Mrs. Wicket sleepwalks again into his room, Bean dons the disguise and carries her back. After Bean, puts her a blanket, she wakes up and brushes the "man." Bean appears and pretends to attack the "man" and throws "him" out. Because of Bean's bravery, Mrs. Wicket welcomes him back, allowing to occupy the room once again. Later, Bean wakes up from her sleep when Mrs. Wicket apparently sleepwalks again, only to serve him a midnight snack.

Valuable Lessons[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

Written by Robin Driscoll

While Mr. Bean and Mrs. Wicket listening to O mio babbino caro and watching wrestling respectively, the burglar duo break the adjacent apartment and steals various items. Mrs. Wicket witnesses the act and calls Bean about it. However, the burglars manage to evade the police by hiding inside their truck, which is parked outside their apartment. Not becoming the next victim of burglary, Mrs. Wicket collects all of her cash and jewelries hidden from around her room into the table, but the burglar duo observing them.

The next day, Bean and Wicket go to bank to deposit her items, but the burglar duo follows them. The duo hatch an evil plan to get Wicket's fortune: first, the small burglar disguise as an old man, dating Wicket and marry her; secondly, the duo poison her and buys the apartment, which they will expelling Bean out of it. On the first day of the plan, the duo abducts Scrapper and the small burglar disguises as a young man and pretending to brought the lost Scrapper. As an appreciation, Wicket invites the small burglar to have a cup of tea and the burglar stars dating her. However, despite Scrapper's suspicion to the man, Wicket assumes that the burglar is just a friend. Bean also grows suspicious as he thinks that the "small man" might be the one of the burglars.

Bean witnesses the "small man" proposes Wicket to marry him. At the day of the wedding, after Scrapper notices them behind the truck, Bean discovers the deception and reveals their true selves and their intentions to Mrs. Wicket and other guests. After the burglars attempt to escape, an angry Mrs. Wicket throws the fake metallic leg (which the small burglar uses it to disguise that he is amputee), knocking the both. The police arrives and arrest the duo, but aside Wicket's anger, she leaves heartbroken.

Jurassic Bean[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

Written by Robin Driscoll
Mr. Bean goes into the woods to take pictures of the wildlife animals. While doing so, Bean sees the large footprints of a dinosaur and follows them, but the dinosaur chases Bean, who manage to escape. However, determined to become famous of discovering what would have been the last living dinosaur species, Bean buys meats and sausages to lure the dinosaur out, allowing Bean to capture it. After hours of waiting in vain, the dinosaur appears but he finds that the dinosaur turns out to be part of the set of the movie called Jurassic Hero and that the "dinosaur" is controlled remotely. The director of the film decide to add Bean as an extra, where Bean is devoured by the dinosaur. The director impresses Bean's work and officially added to the cast. After the film is produced, Bean attends the premiere with the red carpet and he, along with the director and cast, watches it.

Chocks Away[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

Mr. Bean and his Teddy are having picnic at the park. Bean becomes annoyed when the toy plane operated by the boy, his neighbor next-door, and it hits and rips Teddy's head then the boy laughing at him. He comes to revenge at him but his father approaches horribly in front of him and Bean walks away pretending that he is feeling hot at soak his feet to the pond. The boy giving him a rasp while walking away with his father.

Bean walks past to the store and then he sees the toy plane he wants to buy to revenge the boy but he finds his wallet empty. At his apartment, Bean stitches his Teddy's head and put the yarns as the hair. While Teddy watching TV, Bean silently goes to the drawer and obtains the piggy bank but his hand becomes stuck while trying to get the money. Bean try to remove the piggy bank stuck in his hand by washing it by the soap but fails and finally he removed from his hands and got £20.

Bean goes to the store where the toy plane sells and he is distracted everything sells inside especially the toy train which he remove the railway bridge and train passes Bean's extended arms, unaware that he is being seen on the security camera. The owner then demonstrating by flying the toy plane and he calls, "Chocks away," then the plane distracts Bean, thus the queue forming immediately and Bean is in the last. As he nears on the cashier, he realizes that the last toy plane is for the daughter-and-child. In order to buy the plane, Bean throws the girl's doll, causing the girl drag her father to retrieve the doll. After he successfully bought a toy plane, the security guard shows up realizing that the toy train is going to derail. As security struggles to stop the toy train, he accidentally hits Bean and the toy train derails. The result is the toy plane parts are breaks apart. While the security recovers, Bean sneaks away.

At the apartment, Bean assembled all the broken parts of the toy plane overnight but its propeller is missing. Bean has to find its propeller from his apartment until he found the propeller at the store but he is confronted by the angry security guard. In order to retrieve the propeller, Bean distracts the security guard by taking the photos of him. Bean successfully retrieve the propeller.

At the park, the fight between the boy's toy plane and Bean. Bean beats the boy's toy plane and it is crashed to the pond. After that, the father approaches upon him and breaks the toy plane's remote control. Because of the broken remote control, the toy plane with Teddy flies away.

At night, Bean is waiting for the toy plane with Teddy and set the candles as the runway light. Bean sees Teddy flying but the candles burning the toy plane's wings and explodes. Bean presumes that Teddy is killed in an explosion and then we see Teddy is ejected from explosion and lands through the fireplace. The screen cuts to outside the apartment, where we implied that Bean reunited his Teddy.

No Pets[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

Mr. Bean visits at the park but quickly becomes bored when he sees the man playing with his pet dog. Bean drives in the town where he stops his car in front of pet store. He buys a dog and brought him to his apartment. Unfortunately, Mrs. Wicket any pet inside the apartment aside from Scrapper. Bean manages to hide his dog as Mrs. Wicket and Scrapper looks suspiciously on him while walking upstairs.

Finally, Bean sneaks his dog inside his room. Bean proceeds to play with his dog but the bark almost heard by Mrs. Wicket and Bean shushes the dog. When Bean throws a ball, it bounces around the room while the dog trying to catch it; the pound, crash and thud sound annoyed Mrs. Wicket, so she goes upstairs and confront Bean. The dog shows up and licks Mrs. Wicket's face, shouting in frustration.

Later, Bean decides to sell the dog and buys a parrot. At his apartment, Bean plays along with his parrot by speaking repeatedly "Hello" until the parrot responds. Not liking the way of parrot responds, Bean speaks hello with a megaphone but it makes Mrs. Wicket to go to his room due to noise. Just before Mrs. Wicket finds out that there is another pet of Bean, he removed all of the parrot's feathers to resemble it as a fried chicken. Mrs. Wicket depart from his room but she backs again for his suspicion and Bean pretends that he is about to eat the "chicken". Once she is gone, he paste the parrot's feather back. The postman rings the doorbell outside the door and he receives the cage for parrot. The doorbell rings again but finds nobody, only to realize that the parrot perfectly imitates the doorbell sound. After that, Bean makes a loop recording of him saying hello for the parrot and plays it overnight.

The next morningp, the parrot is not responding and its body is completely frozen. Bean try to respond the parrot in many ways until he put the parrot down to the toilet bowl. The parrot is now responding but it flies away. Bean has to chase the parrot and he ends up in the pet store. Wanting for another pdt nonetheless, Bean wants to adopt the chameleon and brought back to his apartment. At the apartment, while Mrs. Wicket is cleaning her window outside the apartment, Bean hides the chameleon in a camouflage. Mrs. Wicket still looks suspiciously and Bean picks the flower from her garden and give it to her but accidentally gave the invisible chameleon. Scrapper notices it and she panics when she sees it and falls to the floor. Bean then retrieves the chameleon while Mrs. Wicket recovers.

At the park, Bean manages to outsmart the same man from earlier by playing a stick with the invisible chameleon. The chameleon then suddenly runs away from Bean, who tries to pursue it.

Missing Teddy[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

Mr. Bean is making a list of groceries he wants to buy when he sees on a TV showing the police authority warns people for prevalent kidnapping of their Teddy bears and other dolls. The notorious kidnappers are the burglars (one is beefy and one is small) flashing on TV screen. Meanwhile, the burglars are also watching the TV and is revealed that that duo have colllected more than a hundred of Teddy dolls they stole. Despite the police warnings, the burglars menacingly laugh.

Bean buys some groceries at Crub-U-Like store when he suspiciously sees the burglars also shopping disguising as the mother and child. Bean doubtfully investigate a small burglar, but he presume that is just a baby. When the small boy pretends crying, Bean hides before the beefy burglar notice him. The burglars walk past Bean's trolley and stealthily took his Teddy. Bean realizes Teddy's disappearance and Bean tries to search him until he sees the burglars' truck, realizing that they are Teddy's kidnappers. Bean pursues the burglars' truck, but they see Bean on their tail; the two make a Teddy doll (by using the small burglar's clothes) in order to trick Bean into his real Teddy. The small burglar throws a doll and Bean swerves into the forest. Later, at night in the forest, Bean tries to find Teddy, calling his name. Eventually, he found Teddy hanging in the tree, but as he retrieve him, Bean finds Teddy in an ugly appearance.

Bean even assume Teddy has terminally ill. At the clinic, Bean brought his Teddy to find out the cause of his ugly transformation, along with their animal patients (their pet parrot lies down unresponsively, a stick stuck on dog's mouth--keeping wide open, a cat's head is stuck in a fish bowl and a parrot chokes a fish). The doctor examines his Teddy and finds a green apple inside his Teddy and that apple is used to make a Teddy's head. After the examination, Bean offers an apple to the crying cute little girl, the mother willing for the apple and the girl accepts Bean's offer. Bean slaps the pet duck after being angrily squawks at him, expelling the fish from its mouth. The ensuing chaos of their pets accidentally heal when the cat tries to eat the fish--breaking the fish bowl, then the dog tries to bite the cat--breaking the stick, and finally when the stick flying upwards, hitting the flower vase pouring the water onto the parrot--waking it up. Bean sighs in relief when the pet's owner have been fixed but he fades into sadness. When Bean sees the missing poster of a cat, he has an idea by making a missing poster of his Teddy. Bean posts a missing poster of Teddy everywhere, but when he finds a cat in a missing poster he instead shoos it away rather than notifying to the authorities. Bean asks the police offer a permission for posting a missing poster, but as he try to post it, he is shocked to see the many missing posters of various stuff toys.

In a rather dark place, the burglars begin transforming their kidnapped Teddy bears into the bunny including Bean's Teddy. Bean still posting the missing poster when Bean sees the burglars' truck, selling the bunny bears they kidnapped. Finally, he find his transformed Teddy-bunny Bear. After that, Bean drives his mini with the rope of clipping bunny bears attached at his back and the burglars pursue Bean. The burglars' truck is stuck on the footbridge. The burglars sees Bean's Teddy hanging on a tree. Upon approaching, Bean circles his car to tie them in the tree. The burglars are ultimately arrested by the police. Bean removes the bunny horns attached in stuff toy's head and begins returning to the owners. Bean finally reunites his Teddy.

Viral Bean[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

In his apartment, Bean reads his favorite book when he is distracted by Mrs. Wicket's loud shouting and tries to told her to keep her voice down but Mrs. Wicket shoos Bean instead. Hoping to read the book free from distraction, Bean goes to the library. There, however, he becomes distracted yet again by the little boy's laughter to the online video on the computer and Bean tries to keep his voice down but he ignores him. Bean has the librarian to carry the boy out. When the music plays on a headphone loudly, he approaches to the computer and he becomes distracted to the funny viral videos. Determine to become famous by making a viral video, Bean records himself by introducing his name and blowing a raspberry to the webcam. There, he immediately receives only two views and waited for hours to reach the highest point. Bean falls asleep in vain but upon waking up, he attempts to make a second video but the librarian approaches him and pulls him out of the building due to his loud noise; the webcam still recording, capturing the window showing Bean being thrown out and accidentally hits the lamp post and then the post box, quickly garnering the highest views in a matter of minutes.

At this point, Bean realizes that the video was uploaded to the web where the viewers ridiculed Bean. The next morning, Bean spots the group of paparazzi gathered in front of his apartment and is shocked to find that he is being on a front page, saying that his video received 350,000,000 views. When the video has reached on the news outlet, Bean faces the paparazzi with a renewed confidence, realizing that his status gained into celebrity. Bean dines at the restaurant where the same paparazzi follows him and refuses to give Bean's way until the owner intervenes. After Bean took his seat and served a seafood dishes, he did not bite any food when the fan-alike simultaneously approaches Bean to have his autograph. Annoyed, he escapes through the back door, briefly outran the paparazzi. However, at the park, people around him and the paparazzi follows him where he sneak to the library to hide. The paparazzi had already gathered inside and Bean rushes to the computer to delete the video, to the point Bean wakes up in front of the computer, realizing that it was a dream all along. He finds the first video still stuck to the two views.

After the librarian told Bean to get out, he happily goes home to the apartment where he crosses the path with the garbage collector (the same man in Bean's dream), whom Bean greets him "good afternoon". When Bean hits the post, the garbage collector laughs at him.

Inventor[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

Mr. Bean is told by Mrs. Wicket to cut the grass using the lawnmower. However, when the lawnmower backfires, he uses the rabbits and lines them with the cart to remove the grass. The inventor (resembling Albert Einstein) arrives at the apartment where he inquires Mrs. Wicket if the room is available. The inventor acquires the only available, misused room (no. 3), bringing his advanced technology devices. When the inventor sees the rabbits eating the grass, he uses the levitating lawnmower to cut them all, impressing Wicket; however, when Bean sees Wicket having a cup of tea with the inventor, he becomes envious. Bean then sneaks into the inventor's room and finds the blueprint of the robot waiter and the mechanical grabber, which Bean use it to free the Bruisers family dog to attack Mrs. Wicket pet cat Scrapper, who manage to save himself climb by climbing to the roof. Wicket then scares the dog away. When Scrapper becomes trapped, Bean uses the ladder to try to rescue the cat while the inventor uses the mechanical grabber to rescue Scrapper. With Wicket's impression grows further, she moves Bean to room no. 3.

Hoping to impress Wicket, Bean sneaks her room and puts the toy cars under her sofa, inventing the "wheelchair sofa", but Bean's satisfaction is short-lived when the inventor introduces the levitating scooter to her. Later at night, Bean sees the inventor building the robot waiter via the mirror. While the inventor invites Mrs. Wicket to the dinner, Bean sneaks the inventor's room and messing up the robot's circuitry, returning to his room moments before the two arrive at the room. The robot goes haywire and attacks Mrs. Wicket, much to Bean's victory. Mrs. Wicket turns on him and kicks the inventor out of the apartment.

Hotdate[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

Written by Rebecca Stevens

Mr. Bean and his girlfriend, Irma are dating together at the park while eating ice cream together. When Irma sees the boyfriend giving flower to the girlfriend and then they kiss, she tries to let Bean kiss her but he refuses. Irma then kiss her female teddy named Lottie to Bean's Teddy but Bean brushes Teddy from her. Bean appears to kiss Irma but instead he eats her Popsicle ice cream, thus Irma leaves angrily.

Later, Bean and Irma are driving around the town until she wants to see the romantic film, Love, showing at the theater. Bean reluctantly agrees to watch the romantic film with Irma over his favorite action film, to which Bean disgruntles. While Irma getting the tickets for the movie, Bean vandalizes the Love movie poster, to make it look like it is a vampire film. Irma told Bean to arrive at 8'o clock the next night.

At night in his apartment, Bean is ironing his pants when he is distracted by favorite sitcom show on TV, but later falls asleep and is awaken by the gunfire on TV. Bean realizes that he is almost late and in hurry, he almost forgot to wear his pants and bring flower but he accidentally forgot his wallet.

Arriving at the theater house, despite Irma and other viewers react emotionally towards to film, Bean finds it boring. To lessen his boredom, he tries to read the comic but Irma prevents him, and falls asleep but the snore annoys Irma. After the happy ending of the film, Irma then puts a pop corn in Bean's nostril just as he cannot breath, he accidentally snorts out the popcorn to nearby person. Shortly, Bean and Irma get inside the photo machine to have themselves pictured.

Bean and Irma then go to the restaurant. Bean fails to offer a chair in a table for Irma and as Irma sees the boyfriend offers a chair for her girlfriend, Bean agrees. Irma instead falls to the floor while Bean just watching her helplessly and one of the two violinists helpfully recovers Irma. Bean then plays Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 by chiming those wine glasses (just like he did in the live episode) but this angers the French-American restaurant owner. Few minutes later, Bean realizes that he forgot his wallet in his apartment as the owner shows him a bill. Bean rushes back to his apartment to get his money. While Bean is gone, a violinist pays the restaurant bill and begins relationship with Irma. Bean goes back to the restaurant but he finds it close and sees Irma dancing with a violinist. As Bean goes back to his car, he sees Irma and a violinist gets out the restaurant and the Reliant drives off, which Bean mistakenly assumes that it is driven by the violinist. The violinist and Irma then drives another car to the same direction of Bean and Reliant.

Irma and violinist stops by and as they about to kiss, the Reliant Regal avoids the taxi and hits the violinist car but both violinist and Irma are unharmed. Bean arrives at the scene where Irma gets into his car; they laugh and drive away while the violinist confronting the unseen driver of Reliant.

Pizza Bean[baguhin | baguhin ang wikitext]

Written by Rebecca Stevens

At his apartment, Bean orders the takeaway pizza owned by Don Crustyoni for lunch. The pizza arrives and when he receives it, he is disappointed by the tiny size of the pizza. Eating it, he still hungry. Bean decides to set out make his own homemade pizza. Satisfied by the good flavor of his pizza, he establishes his own pizza business called "Pizza Bean". The business runs with no problems, but upon finding that making pizza is to difficult for Bean, he build an improvised mechanical machine that could make a pizza easier and faster and Bean earned a lot of money. Meanwhile, Don Crustyoni realizes that Pizza Bean is the cause of declining their customers and lures Bean into coming by ordering the pizza.

Arriving at the mansion, he is terrified when he is confronted by Don Crustyoni, who tells him that he wants Bean out of his business to maintain his dominance in the town. When Crustyoni orders the two bodyguards to Bean him, he eludes them. An angry Crustyoni then chases Bean around the mansion, but when he is trapped above, he throws the pizza into Crustyoni's face. However, upon tasting it, he is impressed by the flavor and tells Bean about the recipe. Bean and Crustyoni agree each other and the latter offers Bean a money to buy to improve his business. The episode ends with Bean ordering the pizza on the menu at the restaurant, a menu that was never before at the previous episodes.